Architects for Peace: Committed Humanitarian Efforts
architectsforpeace is a humanitarian, not for profit professional organisation for architects, urban designers, engineers, planners, landscape architects and environmentalists, seeking urban development based on social justice, solidarity, respect and peace.
The site of "Architects for Peace" includes editorials, articles, and discussions on critical issues of concern to the worldwide community of architects, planners, and design professionals.
Check some of these articles/editorials:
Just Sustainability
by Ceridwen Owen
The New Town Centre and the New Main Street
by Anthony McInneny
Developed – Developing: Dialogical Integration in International Conferences
by Beatriz C. Maturana
What's War/Peace - Construction/Destruction got to do with Architecture?
by Ashraf M. Salama
Architecture-Urbanism is dedicated to a) those who are interested in creating livable and sustainable environments and buildings that meet socio-cultural and socio-behavioral needs of people, environments that are responsive to historical, traditional and physical constraints, b) to those who are interested in finding panacea for the ills of our globalized world, and c) to those who are interested in regaining what cultures and societies have lost by the acts of architects.